We are privileged to work with some extraordinary talented handloom Artisans to produce textiles woven by hand using Banana Sylk, Organic Cotton, Cotton/Linen, Linen, Plain Khadi, Textured Khadi and Khadi Tussar Silk.
We are privileged to work with some extraordinary talented handloom Artisans to produce textiles woven by hand using Banana Sylk, Organic Cotton, Cotton/Linen, Linen, Plain Khadi, Textured Khadi and Khadi Tussar Silk.

Lenzing™ TEXTILES.
STSC represents trademark fabrics from the Lenzing AG suite of eco-textiles.
Lenzing have created a world-renowned portfolio containing the brands ECOVERO™, LENZING TENCEL™ and TENCEL™ LUXE
Download the full Lenzing Sustainability Report 2018 to see full transparency.

STSC is proud to be selected to represent Lenzing™ fabrics and offer Lenzing's textiles wholesale through their Indian partner located in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Lenzing’s fibers are made from natural wood cellulose fibres derived from non-genetically modified wood pulp. They are botanic products derived from renewable sources and processed with unique resource-conserving technologies.
This biorefinery concept ensures that 100 percent of wood components are used to produce cellulose for our botanic fibers, biobased chemicals, and bioenergy, thus remaining as CO2 neutral as possible.
This cellulose from wood is used to produce Lenzing fibers, applying innovative and sustainable processes for eco-conscious manufacturing. At the end of their life cycle, these fibers are fully biodegradable. They decompose back into their original components of CO2 and water, thus preparing the ground on which new plants can grow.
Lenzing™ fabrics are trademarked and accredited as Closed-Circle systems using mills with high speed air jet & rapier looms. We work closely with the Head of Lenzing AG plus our textile mill to ensure the fabrics and dyes are GOTS accredited.
Lenzing is based in Austria and have been working to develop the best enivronmental fabrics for the past 80 years.
Their belief is "in garments that are unmatched in comfort and feel, in nonwoven products soft enough for personal hygiene, and in fibers so pure that they’re even fit for medical applications. And finally, we keep our promise by protecting a natural environment worth living in."
Only trademarked accredited Lenzing™ fabrics can give the guarantee that they are accredited to the world standard.
Fabrics showing the same name, such as Tencel or Modal without the trademark, cannot be assured of being accredited closed-circle and of the highest sustainable standards that designers wish to uphold.
Additionally, fabrics using the name Lyocell (made from bamboo pulp) are often listed as Made in China, and are not guaranteed to be accredited closed-circle system. Additionally, bamboo crops do not meet the highest environmental standards because they are water consumptive and the crops are non-replenish-able.
In comparison, the wood pulp harvested by Lenzing is from sustainable plantations. Lenzing's Wood and Pulp Policy